The TURF RAKE stone picking machine excels at removing rock and debris from soil to prepare it for multiple applications. Among its stone picking applications the TURF RAKE facilitate horse track and arena maintenance, golf course creation, farm seed bed preparation, and strafing range munitions removal. In addition to these specific uses, the TURF RAKE proves effective for many other turf development and maintenance uses.


The TURF RAKE is an incredibly versatile tool for contractors, as it can be used for functions that extend beyond stone picking. It can be modified to remove litter from beaches, sandy areas, grass, and to dethatch. See Barber’s SURF RAKE beach cleaners or LITTER PICKER for more information regarding the TURF RAKE’s adaptability. This versatility makes the TURF RAKE an ideal cleaner for contractors looking to work every season all year.


If you need a stone picking machine for smaller sandy or loose soil areas, the SAND MAN may be a more applicable tool. The TURF RAKE is intended for larger areas and providing a deeper cleaning. However, certain smaller areas that do not require a cleaning depth of 6″, like golf course bunkers or infield cleaning may benefit from a smaller walk-behind unit. Two of the SAND MAN’s most common uses are:

next: learn how the turf rake works

Now that you know the basics of how the TURF RAKE works, learn how it works.

Learn how the turf rake can work for you

Contact a team member to learn if the turf rake is right for your application!