turf rake stone picker

The TURF RAKE stone picker removes stones from scarified soil and expedites a variety of turf restoration & grooming processes. Adapted from the same tine-raking technology as the proven SURF RAKE, the TURF RAKE is a fast and effective stone picker for medium to large areas, like horse arenas, golf course developments, and farms. The TURF RAKE:

  • Removes stone, rock, sod, roots, sticks and similar debris from soil
  • Grades rough or scarified soil
  • Aerates the soil- leaving a gently harrowed area
  • Tines penetrate the soil digging down to remove buried stones ensuring thick top layer of stone free soil


If you are looking to pick stones from a smaller soil or sand-based area, you may benefit from our walk-behind units:



  • Cut Hand Labor Costs: Stone pickers can quickly do the work that previously took many men and many hours of hand raking.
  • Simplify mechanical methods: Removes stone, level uneven areas, and leave the surface ready for planting all in one pass.
  • Cut Material Costs by grading to fine tolerance

WHERE are they USED?

  • Horse arenas, paddocks, and race tracks
  • Ball fields & picnic areas
  • Site work- for schools, hospitals, industrial buildings
  • Golf courses- fairways, greens, driving ranges and new or rehabilitation construction
  • Agricultural uses, like seed bed preparation
  • Strafing range munition removal
  • Wastewater treatment fields

WHO USES them?

  • Site Contractors
  • Landscape Contractors
  • Highway Contractors
  • Park Department
  • Golf Course Builders
  • Horse Farms
  • Military Training Bases
  • Wastewater Processing Centers

next: turf rake models

Are you in the market for a stone picker?

Contact a team member to learn if the turf rake is right for your application!