road rake service

road rake installation instructions

1. Introduction to the road rake

Congratulations on purchasing your ROAD RAKE. This video provides a quick overview of the upcoming steps you’ll take to install, properly operate, and maintain your ROAD RAKE for years to come.

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Play Video about attaching hydraulic lines

2. connecting hydraulic lines

The ROAD RAKE 200T is powered by the hydraulic power from the truck. , whereas the MODEL 200 is self-powered.

3. connecting safety chains and e-brake

Ensure your crew and nearby civilians are safe. Learn how to properly secure the safety chain and emergency brake.

Play Video about road rake safety chain attachment
Play Video about road rake lunete ring thumbnail

4. lunette ring position

Learn how to connect Barber’s specific lunette ring to your truck.

5. control box connection

The control box affords you full operating control of the ROAD RAKE. Once connected, you can place it in the cab of your operating vehicle.

Play Video about control box connection

watch operation videos

installed? now watch how to operate your road rake