Home / Litter Collection Equipment / Litter Picker LP1 / How it Works
The LITTER PICKER Model LP1 is completely operated by one person from the seat of the towing tractor. The LP1 is connected to the tractor via a three-point hitch, which allows the driver to adjust the machine from the comfort of the tractor’s cab. A PTO-powered hydraulic line powers the LITTER PICKER’s conveyor belt, and two hydraulic hoses use the tractor’s hydraulic oil to raise and trip the bucket. Setup takes only a few minutes, and operation is simple, intuitive, and safe. Here’s how it works:
The LP1 removes litter from the cleaning surface by using a rotating conveyor that contains hundreds of tines in offset rows.
Two casters maintain even cleaning coverage, while the tines capture debris and throw it against the moldboard. The materials then deflect off the moldboard and back onto the conveyor belt.
The conveyor transports the debris to the bucket, which can then be raised to dump its contents into a container, truck, or dumpster.