Home / Beach Cleaning Machines / Surf Rake / Models
With a cleaning width of 15 feet (5m), the SURF RAKE 600XL is the largest beach cleaning machine in Barber’s lineup. Intended for use with vast beaches, it enables beach maintenance teams to clean up to 15 acres per hour. Based on the time-tested reliability, ease-of-operation, and efficiency of the 600HD, the 600XL doubles its cleaning capacity while cutting cleaning times in half.
At 3,800 pounds, the 600HD is the most widely-used beach cleaner by municipalities to clean expansive beaches. Cleaning sand up to nine (9) acres an hour with a seven (7) foot wide cleaning path, the 600HD has the greatest sand cleaning capacity of any beach cleaner in its class. The three (3) cubic yard hopper can hydraulically lift up to 4,500 pounds of material to a clearance height of nine (9) feet and dump its contents.
The 400HD has proven to be an excellent choice for resorts, hotels and lakeshore communities. At 2,700 pounds, it is the medium-sized beach rake in the SURF RAKE lineup. It is equipped with a two (2) cubic yard hopper that will lift 3,500 pounds of debris from the sand to a dumping height of nine (9) feet. This mid-size beach rake uses the same heavy-duty conveyor and dump components as the 600HD. The 400HD can clean beaches at up to seven (7) acres per hour.
The 400 is the most compact beach rake in the SURF RAKE lineup. It weighs 1,900 pounds and can lift up to 2,400 pounds in its one (1) cubic yard hopper. Its hydraulic operated hopper places collected material neatly on the ground. Within one (1) hour, the 400 can effectively clean up to five (5) acres of beach sand.
Now you’re aware of the three SURF RAKE models, learn about how they can be used to clean a variety of beach cleaning applications.